The Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS)
Central African Republic is motivated by the fact that this country is part of CEMAC and ECCAS. The Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), created in October 1983 and currently has 10 member states. Between its 10 countries there is no customs duty and goods circulate freely. It has an area of 6,640,600 km 2 for a population of 142 million inhabitants. - To this, in order to better plan our investments, our organic growth and capture the full potential of our local natural market, we can add the 12 million South Sudanese. - It is therefore a market of 142 million consumers at the gateway to the Central African Republic.
Our expansion base in Africa is in the Central African Republic and we will open subsidiaries in other countries, depending on the evolution of our commercial and financial activities. - The profits made in the Central African Republic, particularly in Gold and Diamond Jewelry, will allow us to gradually increase our real estate acquisitions in Africa.
The 10 ECCAS countries are: Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, DR-Congo, Sao-Tomé and Principé, Chad.
ECCAS is a region favorable to investment as well as business development. For more than a decade, the region's economic activity has been among the most dynamic on the continent, with average growth hovering around 5% over the past ten years, despite the decline in 2015-2016 following the collapse commodity prices. Soaring commodity prices for a while helped prop up the economies in this space, but macroeconomic stability and the implementation of good policies helped support growth.
With nearly 140 billion dollars of exports in 2019, the ECCAS sub-region represents nearly 20% of African exports. Hydrocarbons account for 41% of GDP in this portfolio and dominate the region's economy, closely followed by forestry and extractive mining industries. And finally, by agro-industries centered around the transformation of several crops: cotton, coffee, cocoa, rubber, wood, manganese, iron, and palm oil.
23 Jul 2021